Walking my Favorite Labyrinth on 7th July, 2017
Such a gorgeous day to be here. Blue sky. Sun shining. So wonderfully warm despite how cold it is.
Walking the Labyrinth was interesting as always. Questions arise. The answers come if not now, at another time. Gratitude fills me to the brim.
This Labyrinth, although always constant at its essence, changes its feel as the seasons occur.
Today it is lovely to see and feel the winter grasses and mosses under foot softening the path and spilling over the edges. The path feels soft and welcoming especially in the centre.
As I walked it felt right to reinstate some of the loose stones marking the edges of the path.
What did I feel when arriving at the centre? Peace, joy, stillness. I can truly feel nothing can touch me when in that space. Strength, courage, open heart, open mind.
Being completely present and knowing that those feelings are genuine certainly feels good.
It may sound strange but I really feel at times that the Labyrinth calls me. In other words I intuitively know when it is time to visit the Labyrinth. The energy within it and around it is always a positive nurturing, loving energy. My heart is open.
I give thanks and resolve to walk again. Looking forward to sharing the experience with participants in our Meditation Retreat coming up in August at this beautiful venue.
Love to all, Joanne.